When it comes to money and personal finance, there are so many things that apply to some and not to others. For example, some are learning how to buy real estate, some how to buy stocks, and others just simply trying to retire. A young person might be interested in...
Have you ever listened to a financial expert talk about the importance of buying low and selling high? They usually elude to it with illustrations like purchasing when there’s blood in the streets, or going against the grain. It’s easy to get behind these...
Going back to my childhood, I remember having an odd fascination with weather. I love all types of weather, nut I remember particularly loving the wind and rain. There was one year when we went through El Nino, and we had abnormal amounts of rain here in California....
Last week, I wrote an article entitled the Ultimate Prepper which talked about basic necessities to have during a natural disaster. This past Sunday, San Francisco experienced a 6.1 magnitude earthquake sending over 160 people to the hospital and leaving 7,300 without...
Each time I go on a vacation and visit a new area, I’m always amazed at the change of perspective that I get on the world. I have come to appreciate this because, if my only experiences were just from living in the suburbs of Los Angeles, then I would have a very...
Each time I sit down to write, I usually have multiple things going through my mind in which then I need to consolidate to one idea. This week, my mind has been all over the place on the stock market pulling back, military conflicts in Israel, threats of war in...