Right now, the focus of CrushTheStreet.com is to make sure all readers are as UPDATED as possible on the Covid-19 pandemic.
For anyone who was even remotely versed in how math and trends work, they realized that the coronavirus was a pandemic. Nearly five weeks ago, the number of total infected cases measured under 25,000. Now, the case number has ballooned to over 125,000, an astonishing rate of acceleration.
With the math completely undeniable, the World Health Organization recently declared that the coronavirus was a pandemic. How rich of them! Remember that into late February, the WHO was not budging an inch toward declaring the coronavirus as being more serious than it is. Dr. Bruce Aylward led a WHO trip to China with a scientific delegation. Following the trip, he stated, “You don’t have to lock down cities is the big message from China, in fact.”
Really? Color me surprised. Italy is doing exactly that, yet their coronavirus epidemic is simply out of control. The country has well over 12,000 cases and an alarming 827 deaths, 196 of which were recent incidents. Indeed, several countries have taken extreme measures to stem the avalanche, contrary to the WHO’s initial sentiments.
Now, WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has this to say: “We are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of inaction.”
Actually, I believe the real alarm is China-backed organizations peddling propaganda and disinformation on behalf of communists.
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WHO Has Delayed Response in Pandemic Crisis
Make no mistake about it: the coronavirus, though a serious health problem, is also a geopolitical weapon. In this case, the WHO is a messenger of death from our “friend” China.
As the very liberal CNN reported in mid-February, the WHO has a troubling relationship with China. One of the most telling components of this relationship is that the WHO has consistently praised the Chinese government’s response to the coronavirus. In fact, the WHO director-general does much or most of the peddling.
Now, the director has harsh words for “other countries.” But no, not China: they’re angels.
Except that they’re not. In my view, they have 100% responsibility for causing this pandemic and bringing the global economy to its knees. And the Chinese leadership isn’t stupid. Naturally, they recognize that the international community is pointing the finger at them. In their quest for damage control, they apparently have the WHO at their disposal.
I’m hoping that Americans and other global citizens recognize this ruse. But in this rush to contain the virus – something that the WHO should have strongly recommended in the first place – I’m afraid the nuances of this geopolitical calculus has been lost to most.
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