Right now, the focus of CrushTheStreet.com is to make sure all readers are as UPDATED as possible on the Covid-19 pandemic.
By now, it’s obvious to everyone that the coronavirus is a legitimate pandemic. According to the latest statistics, the virus has a total cumulative case count of just over 106,000, with fatalities numbering 3,751. Additionally, the number of countries and territories affected jumped to 102, with one international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise liner). Yet the World Health Organization has been reluctant to use the word pandemic. Is politics to blame?
It’s a very curious situation. According to AP journalist Maria Cheng:
As cases of the coronavirus surge in Italy, Iran, South Korea, the U.S. and elsewhere, many scientists say it’s plain that the world is in the grips of a pandemic — a serious global outbreak.
The World Health Organization has so far resisted describing the crisis as such, saying the word “pandemic” might spook the world further and lead some countries to lose hope of containing the virus.
“Unless we’re convinced it’s uncontrollable, why (would) we call it a pandemic?” WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said this week.
Excuse me? The WHO director isn’t convinced that the coronavirus is uncontrollable? Health authorities in China failed to contain the outbreak in Hubei province, which led to administrative finger pointing. Later, China failed to keep the coronavirus within its own borders.
With over a hundred countries affected, if this isn’t a pandemic, I don’t know what is.
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Politics Rears Its Ugly Head
Tellingly, the WHO insists that the international community has a serious emergency on its hands. All resources must be thrown at containment measures. But a pandemic? Apparently, the coronavirus doesn’t qualify.
But what does? Interestingly, the WHO defines a pandemic as a situation involving “sustained community-level outbreaks” in at least two world regions. Okay. Outside of China’s 80,652 cases, South Korea, Italy and Iran combine for 18,747. France and Germany are each marching toward 1,000 cases. And the U.S., where President Trump once boasted of only suffering low case numbers, now has 434 cases and 19 deaths.
Isn’t that anyone’s definition of “sustained community-level outbreaks?” The only explanation for the WHO’s obtuseness is politics.
According to CNN, the WHO has a very cozy relationship with China; specifically, the WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Throughout the pandemic, Ghebreyesus praised China’s efforts. Simply, this is strong evidence that politics is behind the framing of the coronavirus’ narrative.
In a twisted way, it makes sense. Right now, China is public enemy number one. Whether because of their disgusting sanitation “standards” or their possible release of the virus from the Wuhan chemical weapons lab, China may face severe repercussions.
In order to prevent this – thus playing politics – the WHO is attempting to downplay the damage that the coronavirus has caused. More worryingly (though this is speculation on my part), the WHO may know that the virus is much worse than advertised, thus providing cover for their bed buddy China.
It’s a terrible situation and one that needs to be called out.
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